Springfield…State Representative Dan Caulkins (R-Decatur) is a member of both the House Energy and Environment and Public Utilities committees. Today, he released the following statement as events are unfolding in Eastern Europe.

“In order for a country to grow and flourish, one of the basic essentials is energy. Back in history, civilizations were dependent on the sun and seasons to survive. As new and inexpensive forms of energy were discovered and employed, life improved and our country grew to be a source of food and innovation for all to enjoy.

What we are seeing happen in Eastern Europe is the result of the current administration’s terrible policy decisions. By prohibiting the private sector of our great country and in Illinois to not only use our natural resources but actually grow our energy output has enriched our enemies and made our friends dependent on them. The consequences are very obvious when Russia can fund its military with $100 a barrel oil vs $50 a barrel with the ability to cut off natural gas deliveries to our allies.

The lesson we must learn from today’s events is very simple. Our energy policy – both here in Illinois and nationally – must be focused on independence and providing low-cost; reliable sources of energy to our residents and businesses. We must not be dependent on other states or nations. We have more resources and the ability to produce more energy that we can consume. To not use every asset we have to keep our state and country prosperous and productive is the wrong policy and will continue to erode our standard of living and freedoms.”