Repeal of Parental Notice of Abortion. There is no specific legislation that directly repeals this law, but there is a backdoor way of negating parental rights through confidentiality in the schools. Here is a more complete explanation:
To be clear, my position is that anything that any school personnel knows about a child, a parent also has a right to know. There should be nothing kept from a parent, and if abuse is occurring, then other authorities need to be called into the conversation.
The Backdoor Way They Are Using to Try and Escape Parental Notice of Abortion
HB3173 is a trailer bill to HB3223 which passed and was signed into law earlier this year. This follow-up bill may be a backdoor way to escape parental notice of abortion using the school “confidentiality” laws that are now in place.
Back to HB3173. According to an independent analysis, the current new law (HB 3223) allows, among other things, a pregnant minor girl in public school to have various "valid causes" for being absent, and therefore not truant. This valid cause includes a "medical appointment" (which could include an abortion). Normally, if a student is absent (or truant) without cause, the parents are called to find out why. This section allows a girl to be absent and not be called truant and parents not called.
HB 3173 as amended, adds confidentiality requirements to a "qualified employee" to keep the information confidential from a parent if that employee decides it is not safe for the child to have her parent(s) told. We understand that an unsafe situation can be sexual violence or sexual abuse by the parent, but the employee (counselor, etc.) makes the call on what is safe in all situations. Thus, a pregnant girl could say "My parents will "kill me" or "will throw me out of the house" and an employee could say that statement makes telling the parent "unsafe." Additionally, in floor debate, it was brought out by Sen. Rose that "If disclosing such risk does not require disclosing confidential information about a student's status, then the student's status must NOT be notified which would negate telling the parents. Also, the confidentiality section is messy, there is no statutory part of this bill that tells a "qualified employee" (counselor, etc) what is unsafe, so it would be up to the employee to decide if a parent should be notified.”
The Senate Republican Women’s Press Conference on this topic is HERE
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