Dan Caulkins, House Rep. of Illinois House of Representatives, Illinois General Assembly, expressed his views regarding the blame for problems in the healthcare industry during a House committee hearing on Oct 3rd. Caulkins stated, "I don’t think any of us that I’ve heard are putting the blame for these problems on the direct care staff." He emphasized that the issues raised were not the fault of the frontline workers, but rather a result of a lack of supervision and enforcement of rules by the state.

Caulkins suggested that the committee should focus on oversight and examine the staffing levels and response times to hotline calls. He stated, "I think this is something this committee should be looking at -- what is the staffing and how are we responding, how quickly are we responding to these 800 hotline calls."

It is important to note that Caulkins, a Republican, was first elected to the Illinois House in 2018 and has experience serving on the Public Utilities and Prescription Drug Affordability committees. Caulkins resides in Decatur, according to the Illinois House.

The House committee hearing, which lasted for four hours, aimed to gather testimony from various healthcare workers, including unions, nursing homes, hospitals, and other facilities. The purpose of the hearing was to identify the necessary changes that should be made in the healthcare industry.

During the hearing, Denise Stiger, the union organizer for Teamsters Local 743, highlighted some of the challenges faced by nursing home workers. Stiger explained, "Some of these nursing home workers have 20 patients. On third shift, it might be one CNA to one floor. So, that means she is doing the whole floor. Even though they're saying that the patients are asleep at night, they still have to be changed. They still have to be cleaned."

The discussion during the House committee hearing shed light on the need for improved supervision and enforcement of rules in the healthcare industry. Lawmakers and stakeholders will continue to explore potential solutions to address the challenges faced by direct care staff and ensure the provision of quality care to patients.