Village of Cerro Gordo Board of Trustees met Sept. 18.


Here is the agenda provided by the board:

The monthly meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees met at 6:00 PM on September 18, 2023, in the Village Hall. The following members were present: Trustee Hyde, Trustee Keirl, Trustee Walsh, Trustee Frazier (Pro Tem), Trustee Frydenger, DPW Mark Blickensderfer, Treasurer Samantha Schenkel, Attorney Susan Nicholas, and Clerk Tina McCarty. Trustee Massey (sworn in) Mayor Powers Absent


Board to appoint Pro Tem Trustee Fraizer

Motion was made by Trustee Hyde, to appoint Trustee Fraizer as Pro Tem, seconded by Trustee Keirl roll call all yeas.


Katie Helm was present to state that 210 W North Street needed a letter for their grass being to tall. The Village has already addressed this.


A. Approve minutes: Regular Board Meeting – August 21, 2023

B. Approve claims report.

C. Approve financial reports.

No further discussion and a MOTION to approve the consent agenda was made by Trustee Keirl, seconded Trustee Hyde. Roll Call: all Yeas. Motion carried by Omnibus Vote. 


A. The motion was made by Trustee Frazier, seconded by Trustee Keirl, a water adjustment for Lee Gagnon old bill, $98.29 -new bill $53.50. roll call: all yeas.


A. Discussion / Action on Tank Painting (water tower) Controls update 

Engineer to follow up with EPA hopefully have an answer soon. We will have to have a public meeting before funding. We could do this before a meeting.

B. Discussion / Action on 207 E South Street next steps (Masonry Work) 

Will need to verify bid time and material. Within the next 2 weeks. Hopefully will have it by the next meeting.

C. Discussion / Action on MFT / Drainage Fund Spring 2023 project development 

1. Update on 2023 MFT projects – finishing up on MFT, and sidewalks.

2. Update on Carter Street drainage project development- tabled

3. Update on South Street sidewalk improvement / ADA compliance study- This may be a 4-6mo plan

4. Lead Service inventory grant- be on the look out for the $30,000 for the lead grant. 

D. Discussion / Action on 209 & 211, 213 South Street hazard assessment. 

Fehr Graham to do exterior assessment. This will be done within the week.

E. Discussion / Action on Mediacom lease 

Motion was made by Trustee Hyde, seconded by Trustee Keirl, to adopt Mediacom lease. Roll Call All yeas.


A. Action to accept resignation letter from Jennifer Embree 

The Motion was made by Trustee Keirl, seconded by Trustee Hyde to accept resignation letter from Jennifer Embree. Roll Call: all yeas.

B. Action on recommended appointment of Arionna Massey. 

Trustee Frazier on behalf of Mayor Jeff Powers, nominated Arionna Massey as Trustee, The Motion was made by Trustee Hyde, seconded by Trustee Keirl, For Arionna to fill 2-year unexpired term. Roll Call: all yeas. Arionna was sworn in.

C. Kevin Buckley Audit Recap

A copy of the audit is available in the Village office.

D. Action on donation to SWCD in amount of $125.00 towards electronic recycling program. Motion was made by Trustee Frydenger, seconded by Trustee Keirl to approve donation to SWCD for $125.00. Roll Call all yeas.

E. Discussion/ Action on Certification for license for water/sewer fulltime. 


F. Action on adding additional holidays to the P&P 


G. Discussion/ Action on ordinance to sell Village Equipment. 

The Village attorney will put together an ordinance for the next meeting.

H. Action on restocking quote for Vets Park Pond. 

Motion was made by Trustee Frazier, seconded by Trustee Keirl, to approve $402.50 to stock pond at Veteran’s Pond. Roll Call all yeas.

I. Gavin McKee wants to talk about the recent purchase of 213 S Street 

Gavin wanted to express his thoughts on opening a coffee shop, with gambling machines in the back. The Village stated what he would need to do and to bring more information to the next meeting. 



Jeff Powers – absent

Joe Frydenger- 501 S Jefferson is a mess, can the Village send a letter?

Nick Hyde – none

Ryan Keirl – none

Arionna Massey – none

Connie Walsh – none

Mark Blickensderfer – none

Kevin Frazier –none

No further business came before the Board and a Motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Keirl, seconded by Trustee Hyde, at 7:15 PM. roll call: all yeas.